Clinics We Offer

In addition to general medical consultations we are pleased to be able to provide specialist clinics and services covering the following areas:


Family Planning

All doctors offer contraceptive advice during any surgery. In addition Dr McLure is qualified to provide advice and the fitting of long acting contraceptive devices (coil and implanon). Emergency contraception such as the “morning after pill” is available on request from any doctor or if you cannot get to the surgery many pharmacies now offer this service.

Follow the link to the York Sexual Health Clinic for useful information:

Cervical Smears

To prevent cancer of the cervix (neck of womb) all women between 25 and 50 years old are advised to have a cervical smear every three years and every 5 years between the ages of 51 and 64.  Smears are taken by the practice nurse or by the patient’s own doctor during normal surgery. Patients are reminded to attend by computerised invitation through the post.

Maternity Services 

All doctors provide antenatal and postnatal care in co-operation with the practice midwife. Once pregnancy has been confirmed an antenatal appointment with the midwife should be arranged via the reception.

Child Health Surveillance 

The health visitor operates “walk in” clinics at various health centres throughout the area as well as making home visits to advise on childcare and immunisations.  Please contact reception in order to arrange a childhood immunisation appointment with the practice nurse. 

a baby lying on a bed
a picture of medical instruments

Minor Surgery 

The doctors undertake small operations and procedures such as treating ingrowing toenails and injecting joints. Arrangements are made following assessment at a routine appointment.

Physiotherapy Self Referrals

Follow the link to the Physiotherapy Self Referral form: